2 Minute Tutes - Scanning
In 2 minutes, you should know:
- Why scan?
- Scanning basics
- Scan an image into a document
- Scanning a document
Why scan?
Scanning is the process of making a digital
copy of a physical image such as a photo, magazine or document.
People scan images for different reasons including
- use an image in a document
- edit an image (such as removing the 'red-eye' effect
in a photo)
- email an image to friends around the world
- fax the image directly from your computer
- make a colour photocopy
- scan a document into a word processor to enable it to
be edited
- simply save it for later use
Scanning is quite simple, but because there
are many reasons to scan, there are many ways to scan. This guide
should help you decide the best way to scan what you want.
Scanning basics
With most scanners, there are two main ways to scan.
Start the scanner software (usually by pressing a button on the scanner)
then specify where you want the scan to go, or start the application where
you want the image, then import or 'acquire' the image.
If your scanner software asks you questions to do with
'resolution' or 'format' then refer to our 2 Minute Tute on
Pictures for an explanation. Because
every scanner is different, the procedure for your scanner may vary.
Scan an image into a document
You will be able to start commonly used programs more
quickly. They may appear on the Start menu above "All Programs," as
icons on the desktop or buttons near the start button.
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